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The Syllabus
Breaking it down
MSIT offers a project-centric curriculum which lends practical experience and helps the students to muster the implementation details of all the concepts related to each course.
Each course is broken down into modules, each of which is offered as a project to be worked on. The students understand the concept while working on the project and submit the relevant tasks (deliverables) within the deadline specified by their mentors.
The students get the required guidance and support at every level from the mentors who have a wide knowledge base.
Soft Skills training is embedded into the curriculum and each mini-semester has one soft skills workshop in addition to continuous coaching in language training on a daily basis.

Your Year at MSIT
The program is divided into three semesters. The duration of each semester is 16 weeks. The first eight weeks (two months) will be the Preparatory Course, which will be conducted on-campus. Students will have to achieve mastery (a score greater than 80%) in the Preparatory Course subjects to proceed to the main program.

Semester I
Week 1-4
IT Workshop
4 credits
Week 5-8
Computer Science Principles & Python Programming
4 credits
Week 1-8
Introduction to Soft Skills
1 credit
Week 9
Dussehra Holidays
Semester I
Week 10-14
Data Science
4 credits
Week 14-17
Principles of Software Construction (Java)
4 credits
Week 10-17
LSRW I (English)
1 credit
Semester II
Week 18-23
Algorithms and Data Structures I
4 credits
Week 24-27
Algorithms and Data Structures II​​​​
4 credits
Week 27-30
Elective - 1
4 credits
Week 31-34
Elective - 2
4 credits
Week 18-24
LSRW II (English)
1 credit
Week 22
Sankranti Holidays
Semester III
Week 35-38
Elective - 3
4 credits
Week 39-42
Elective - 4
4 credits
Week 39
Placement preparation
1 credit
Week 43-50
Capstone Project
8 credits
Week 43
Advanced Interview Facing Skills
1 credit

I am a CS graduate. I joined MSIT to improve my coding skills and learn new technologies with the 'Learning by Doing' approach. MSIT offers Soft skills courses along with IT courses which helped me to become industry-ready. Mentors provide immense support throughout the course. MSIT offers a co-op program that helps you to gain practical work experience and I am fortunate to be a part of it. MSIT helped me in transforming my career and I am looking forward to joining American Express.